661 W Germantown Pike #7, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462

Open 24/7


You may not have to clean them out of your home. Lice are parasites that need a human host to survive. They cannot live for more than 24 to 48 hours away from the environment of a human scalp
Head lice that afflict people are only able to feed off humans, so you cannot catch them from or give them to your pets.
Because lice feed off blood under the scalp and have six legs that are specialized for grabbing and moving along human hair follicles, they stay near the scalp.

You can view this as insurance against the recurrence of a lice infestation. If we missed any nits on your head during your treatment and they hatched after you got home, our solution will suffocate these live lice. Also, given that lice can survive up to 48 hours off the human head, it helps to prevent reinfestation from lice in your home environment for the couple days immediately after treatment.

Head lice are not known for spreading disease and are more of a nuisance than a danger.

Nits are attached to hair follicles near the scalp with a natural, glue-like substance. They are oval in shape and can be tan, brown or black in color.

Wearing your hair up or tied back can reduce the chances of your hair touching that of another person, so lice will have less opportunity to crawl to your hair. Also, using our Lice Lifters mint spray can deter lice since they don’t like the scent of mint.

They take anywhere from 7 to 10 days to hatch. They require the warm, moist environment near the human scalp to hatch and will die if they somehow drop off your head.

The vast majority of lice infestations are caused by direct head-to-head contact with an infested person. Less often, they can be picked up when using or wearing an infested person’s hat, helmet, towel, brush or comb.

Because about half of the people bitten by lice will have an allergic reaction to the bite, an itchy scalp will be one symptom. Difficulty sleeping will be another sign since they’re active at night. Some people also report a feeling of something crawling on their scalp.

No. Head lice can’t jump or fly. They have to crawl from one host to another to spread.

Depending on the spray, they can have dangerous chemical ingredients that are toxic if inhaled. It’s not worth the risk since lice can’t live more than 48 hours off the head.

Since lice can only live for a couple of days on a stuffed animal or pillow, you can put it in the dryer on high heat for 30 minutes or seal it in a plastic bag for 2 days and they’ll be dead by then.

The type of head lice that afflicts people have been around as long as humans have existed.

At Lice Lifters, we use a specialized comb with microgroove technology with teeth that are closer together than a regular comb, so it picks up more lice and nits.

Yes, if you like wasting your money. Seriously, the toxins used in over-the-counter products such as Nix and Rid have been overused for so many years that most lice have become resistant to these pesticides and chemicals. Our treatment, in contrast, has no pesticides, and it’s 100 percent safe and highly effective.

A female louse (the singular form of lice) can lay 10 eggs a day for a total of 200 in their lifetime. Assuming they don’t get removed by one of our certified lice technicians, each one of those nits will hatch and become a nymph (juvenile) and then an adult louse.

This growth process takes about 7 to 10 days.